




















Quelques ouvrages et documents officiels


Some books and documents speaking of  his paintings

Néhàny könyvek iratok melyek az alkotàsairol beszélnek






Letter of the Hungarian Ambassy in Belgium



Letter of the Mayor of Szàszvàr



Hungarian Revolution Commemoration with F. Sebök, artist painter in 2006



Cockerill Prize 1978                                                                  Letter of the Mayor of Komlo to F. Sebök                             




 Editio 2004 Art in Belgium                                                  Editio 2003  Labor, Dexia & Sabam                        



Letter of Mr President of the Republic of Hungary  Màdl Ferenc to Ferenc SEBÖK



Phoenix Works Prize 1977                                            Dictionary Piron III 2006


1978 Liège (B)


Tivoli Expo 1975  Liège (B)



Jury selection 1980                                   Jury selection 1985


Népûjsàg of Tolna, 2003 (Hu)


Sabam, 2007



Other books and magazines :


Bible de l'Art singulier, 2008, France





                                                           Portraits d'Artistes, Ed. REGARDS,2006, Pau



                                                                                     Sabam magazine n° 53, 2008


                                                                                               Two painting exhibitions


                                                                                              Masonic collective exhibition, 2008


             Exhibition of Kastar artists members, Budapest, 2008                               In Larousse dictionary, 2008




                                                        Letter of the President's cabinet of the Republic of Hungary


                                                    Painting exhibition at Culture House of Bierset, Belgium, 2008


                                                 Letter of the Cabinet of Mr President of the Republic of Hungary


                                             Invitation to a painting exhibition of Kastar artistic association, 2008


                                                        Artistic page of the Magazine n°33 of Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium